How to remove worms from a pool?
For pool owners, seeing worms in your pool is about as welcome as a parasitic roommate, and
worms create stains and leftover debris in your pool. Whether due to nearby foliage or a shift in
the weather, worms will quickly locate your pool, resulting in additional cleaning duties.
Fortunately, getting worms out of your pool is not a Difficult Process. With the right tools,
including a robot pool cleaner, the task can become a bit easier and faster to do. In this blog,
we’ll guide you through the best ways to remove worms from your pool and maintain healthy
Why Are Worms in Your Pool?
Worms, including earthworms and larvae, often hunt for pools offering moisture and warmth,
especially when temperatures are cooler. When they drop into your pool, they can decompose
quickly, leaving behind stains and debris that are harder to clean. Worms can create unwanted
mess all over your pool and, if not promptly removed, affect the overall swim quality of your
Tips On How to Get Worms Out of Your Pool
These are some effective steps you can follow to remove worms from your pool quickly and
Use a Robot Pool Cleaner
The best way to get worms out of your pool is to use a robot pool cleaner. Automatic cleaners
such as the Beatbot AquaSense Pro are equipped with scrubbing and suction abilities and are
capable of dislodging worms and all kinds of other muck from your pool. The robotic pool
cleaner is ideal for regular cleaning, as it independently navigates the pool floor, walls, and
steps, sucking debris as it goes.
Using your robot pool cleaner regularly will help vacuum up worms and pests before they have
a chance to settle and decompose.
Key: Skim the Surface of the Pool
A robot pool cleaner is perfect for the day-to-day cleaning of your pool’s floor and walls, but
skimming for worms and other surface debris is also something you can do. A pool skimmer is
an easy to use, effective tool that allows you to eliminate floating debris before it gets a chance
to sink to the bottom.
Are you regularly skimming your pool, especially after storms or windy days, to keep the little
worms from building up — so your pool water stays nice and clean? A fine mesh skimmer net
will catch even the smallest particles, giving you the best final product.
Suction Stubborn Debris With a Pool Vacuum
A pool vacuum or vacuum cleaner for the pool can help remove worms if they are sunk to the
bottom of the pool. A pool vacuum robot like the Beatbot AquaSense gets to the surface and
bottom of the pool, removing debris that the robot pool cleaner missed, even worms!
To be more precise, you can connect a vacuum cleaner for the pool to your pool’s skimmer, or
use a manual vacuum head to get rid of any pesky leftovers. The trick is to be thorough,
particularly if worms are decomposed and have left stains behind.
Keep Your Pool Chemicals in Balance
Keeping your pool balanced is a critical step in preventing worm infestations: An imbalanced
pool environment encourages worms, insects, and algae to visit. Check and balance your pool’s
pH, chlorine level, and alkalinity regularly to keep the water sanitized and not attractive to pests.
This is because balanced water chemistry ensures your robot pool cleaner and other cleaning
equipment are working properly, which means you can easily pick dirt and debris and keep your
pool clean.
Get a Cover for Your Pool When Not in Use
The best way to keep worms out of your swimming pool is to cover it in the off-season. A safe,
high-quality pool cover will keep your pool debris-free from worms, leaves, and even bugs.
For added convenience and protection, consider an automatic pool cover that works in
conjunction with your robot pool cleaner. A pool cover helps reduce cleaning time, as it helps
not get worms into your pool.
Use This Checklist to Ensure a Clean Pool
To make sure that worms and other pests have not caused damage to your pool, follow this
short checklist:
1. Consider getting a robot pool cleaner like the Beatbot AquaSense Pro for weekly cleanup.
2. You need to skim your pool daily to get out any floating debris or worms.
3. To scrub the pool floor, vacuum it using a pool vacuum robot or pool vacuum cleaner.
4. Proper pool chemistry ensures pests stay away.
5. When the pool isn’t in use, cover it to keep out debris and pests.
With the right tools and maintenance routine, getting worms out of your pool isn’t as hard as it
sounds. A robot pool cleaner like the Beatbot AquaSense paired with regular, consistent
skimming and vacuuming can help you quickly pull out worms and other garbage. The short
answer to why there are worms in my pool is don’t worry, but if prevention is key, you can
minimize your risk of ants, worms, and other pests entering your pool in the first place with
proper pool maintenance!
By following these tips, you can maintain a pristine pool with minimal effort.